One of the most revealing things about a candidate is how they answer the interview question: Why should we hire you?
This is a very common question, but it can be tricky to answer.
The key to acing this part of an interview is twofold:
- Plan a series of example answers ahead of time
- Take cues from your interviewer to further customize your answer
Planning Ahead for the Interview Questions
The process of going through an interview doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
Because it is a situation in which nerves are at an all-time high, preparation ensures you do not let anxiety take over.
Nerves can cause you to ramble, repeat yourself, trip over your words, or even forget how to answer the question entirely.
There is one way to combat this: spend time getting comfortable with answering open-ended questions.
The interview question, “Why should we hire you for this position?” falls into this open-ended category. What’s more, it creates an opportunity for you to articulate your strengths clearly and concisely.
The interviewer is asking you to highlight the ways in which you can be impactful in the position and at the company.
Follow our preparations steps below to help you feel comfortable with your, “Why should we hire you?” answers.
STEP 1: Study the job description.
Try This: Prepare a list of the keywords you find in the job description.
For example, if the description calls for an “adaptable, culturally competent team player”, plan to use those words in your practice answers.
STEP 2: Prepare answers to practice with a friend (or even in the mirror!)
Remember this: The answers, “I am a hard worker,” or “I am a team player,” are too generic. Focus on providing the kinds of specific details potential employers seek.
A good place to start looking for these specific details is in samples of interview questions. For example, check out our 10 Important Travel Nursing Interview Questions to Prepare For.
You should also try writing brief examples of times when you demonstrated your ability to work hard.
This may be at a previous job, in school, or in a club/organization.
For example, if you are a nurse you might say:
“You can count on me to work hard for your hospital and the patients. I take pride in providing the best care. For example, last year I… [explain how you worked hard].”
STEP 3: Review your “Why should we hire you?” answers and look for examples that overlap.
This tactic will help you streamline your responses.
Try this: Have a friend or family member compare your answers, too. Sometimes others have a way of helping us see our best attributes.
Identify skills and traits that fulfill more than one of the desired skills on the job description for added value during the interview.
For the Speech Pathology profession, our article 19 Common Speech Language Pathology Interview Questions is a great place to start to look for the skills and traits you need to succeed.
After completing these three steps, you’ll feel comfortable knowing how your short, “Why should I hire you” examples can be worked into open-ended questions on the fly.

PRO TIP: The Perfect Handshake
Your handshake says a lot about you. In fact, some people make an immediate judgment about you as a result of it. Practice these three tips to ensure your handshake makes a good first impression.1. Extend your right hand straight out. Do not let your palm face up or down as these options indicate a lack of formality. Do not forcefully jut your hand out; casually extend the hand and arm with a smile on your face.2. Grasp the interviewer’s hand firmly. A firm handshake conveys confidence and respect. Grasping too hard can seem disrespectful while grasping lightly conveys a lack of confidence.3. Shake up and down. Do not shake side to side, or pump your hand up and down vigorously. Be mindful that the average handshake should be two or three shakes. Holding on for more than five seconds can be considered a social faux pas.
Keep in mind, when someone poses the interview question, “Why should we hire you?” they are really asking a series of questions in one.
Take the opportunity to include very specific examples that highlight things like:
- Why are you a good fit for this particular role?
- What can you bring to the table that others cannot?
- How can the team benefit from bringing you on?
- Why are you the best candidate for the position?
Other specific questions may come up on a job-by-job basis. For those, you should check out interview questions for your specific career including The Ultimate Guide to New Grad Nurse Interview Questions.
This is the time to sell yourself as the right person for the job. The interviewer wants to know, “Why should we hire you over other candidates?”
Many people will be interviewed for the position; your goal is to show the interviewer why you are the only choice for them.
Let’s break down potential answers for each of the questions listed above to help you further prepare.
You can use these responses as templates for your real-life answers to the “Why should we hire you” interview question.
1. Why are you a good fit for this particular role?
By now you already know the top skills required for the role.
SEE ALSO: How to Get Hired for the Highest Paying Physical Therapy Jobs
Here, highlighting hard skills directly related to the position is more impactful than highlighting desired personality traits.
For example, you might say:
“I am a great fit for this role because I am an expert in [skill #1] having [X number] years experience in this exact field.”
“I am highly trained in [skill #2] thanks to my time at [school name] and [previous job].”
“I believe my ability to master [skill #3] while also learning new techniques and technology makes me the best fit for the job.”
2. What can you bring to the table that others cannot?
Here is an opportunity to highlight skill-based traits that make you unique and provides “Why am I the best candidate for this position?” answers.
Consider talking about “extra-curriculars” like:
- Clubs
- Organizations
- Hobbies
- Travel
As long as they serve to highlight your ability to do a good job, showcasing these things can only add to your potential value.
For example, you might say:
“As the President of [club name], I have the pleasure of practicing [skills #1, 2, 3] on a regular basis which helps me to fulfill my job duties more effectively.”
“I am an active member of my [organization name]. Though it is a personal endeavor, it has proven valuable in my professional life because it helps me do [skill #1 and 2] with confidence.”
“I am an avid reader and enjoy [genre type], which helps me stay on the cutting edge of [skill #1], something highly transferrable to this position.”
“I was able to learn another language and culture while studying abroad in [location]. Being immersed in a different environment helped develop my critical thinking skills.
3. How can the team benefit from bringing you on?
A good answer for “Why should I hire you?” is to describe personal traits. Explain the ways in which you can fill the gaps currently felt by the team.
Focus on showcasing traits that highlight your ability to work well with others.
Personal traits like adaptability, good listening skills, problem-solving skills and others will shine here.
For example, you might say:
“In previous positions, I have been praised for my [trait #1]. I have found that [trait #1] helps facilitate creative discussion and mutual respect.”
“As a [name of sport] player my entire life, I understand the value of teamwork. [Trait #2] means I am willing and able to jump in and help my team whenever necessary, even if it isn’t technically ‘my job’. That is what teams do.”
“I feel the most impactful thing I bring to a team is [trait #3]. No matter the scope, I am focused on how the team can work towards better productivity together.
4. Why are you the best candidate for the position?
Showcase your confidence when this question comes up! Be direct in your answer by repeating the phrase “best candidate for this position”.
You determined your strongest skills and traits earlier. Now is the time to express them in one impactful sentence that definitively answers the interview question: “Why should we hire you?”.
For example, you might say:
“I feel I am the best candidate for this position because my prior experience with [skill #1] is complemented by my [trait #1 and 2] which align perfectly with your company.”
“I believe I am the best candidate for this position because I am passionate about [trait #1] and my extensive experience with [skill #1 and 2] make me uniquely qualified.”
“I am the best candidate for this position because I believe my expertise in [skill #1 and 2] paired with [trait #1] gives me a fresh perspective on how best to fulfill the role of [the position name].
As you can see, the interview question, “Why should we hire you?” is not as hard to answer as you may think!
Take Cues From Your Interviewer
With your pre-interview preparation complete, set yourself up for even greater success when it comes to how to answer “Why should we hire you?” with one extra step: taking cues from your interviewer.
Taking cues from your interviewer means two things in this case:
- listen to their words and phrasing
- watch their body language
This is the communication concept called mirroring. It is used to build a connection with another person by subtly emulating their verbal style and physical mannerisms.
One article explains: “In physical mirroring, the person mirroring reflects the body posture and non-verbals of the other person.
In verbal mirroring, the person mirroring adopts the tone of voice, word use and communication style of the other person.”
For help on this step, we recommend contacting a recruiter.
SEE ALSO: How a Recruiter Improves Your Speech Pathology Job Outlook
So how can mirroring help you ace the interview question “Why should we hire you”?
It’s simple, and here’s how.
You are already prepared with a series of relevant answers. Give yourself a boost by modifying those answers via the mirroring technique.
For example:
If the interviewer uses a certain adjective (incredible, amazing, spectacular), work that same adjective into one of your answers where applicable.
If the interviewer tends to say “I see” vs. “I hear” or “I feel”, this indicates a preference for the visual sense. You can modify your answers to include visual words like see, look, imagine, view and more. Read more about communication senses here.
If the interviewer talks with their hands, naturally match their mannerisms.
If the interviewer leans forward in their chair, try doing the same.

PRO TIP : Dressing for Success
Physical appearance plays a role in any interview. Making a great first impression means dressing for success. Follow the tips below to put your best foot forward:1. Dress for the position you want. This means understanding the company culture and the expectations that go with it. Even if the standard is business casual, it is best to arrive at an interview in business formal. This means suits for men and suits or a blazer over a work appropriate dress for women.2. Invest in good grooming. This includes getting your interview outfit tailored, getting a haircut or blowout, and for men, shaving your facial hair. A polished look tells your employer you care about the impression you make.3. Cover tattoos and remove piercings. In most professional settings, it is common to cover body art as it can be seen as a distraction. Remember this when choosing your wardrobe. Avoid bright colors, v-necks, open-toed shoes and other items that draw attention.
Going into an interview feeling confident is based on preparation. Practicing the skill of mirroring will go a long way with building rapport during an interview.
As you can see, spending time preparing for the interview question “Why should we hire you?” is actually an exercise in preparing for the entire interview itself.
In summary:
Work on building your confidence
- Plan a series answers in advance
- Learn the basics of mirroring
- Hold practice interview questions with friends or family
Lastly, always bring multiple copies of your resume with you!
SEE ALSO: Travel Nurse Resume Examples: 7 Secrets for Standing Out
Do you have any other interview preparation tips?
Share with us in the comments below!